Trademark Renewal
Trademark registration in India is valid for 10 years from date of filing of the Trademark application. We have to renew our registered mark after every 10 years else it gets expired. This is known as trademark renewal.
What is Trademark Renewal due date?
A trademark shall be renewed on the date of completion of 10 years from date of filing of trademark application.
Requirements for Trademark renewal?
1) Trademark Application Number
2) Power of Attorney
Procedure for Trademark renewal?
Drafting of Trademark Renewal application
Payment of applicable Govt. Fees.
Some frequently asked questions
What if I missed the deadline?
In case you missed the trademark renewal date, but still you have not exceeded 6 months from the actual deadline, you may file for Trademark renewal by making the late fees payment. But in case you have missed the deadline and also exceeded the grace period of 6 months, your trademark will be abandoned and there is no way to restore the same.
How much time does it takes to file the Trademark renewal?
It will be filed on same day.
What is the way to restore trademark?
There is no way to restore the trademark once it has been abandoned; the only way to reinstate the trademark rights is by way of filing a new trademark application.
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