Trademark Registration
A Trademark is an important Intellectual property right. It identifies or distinguishes you from the others. Trademark can be a name, logo, shape, trade dress, sound and smell, basically anything which identifies the source of origin for goods or services.
Trademark may be defined as any mark which is used in relation to goods for the purpose of indicating, or so as to indicate a connection in the course of trade between goods and some person having the right as proprietor to use that mark.
Benefits of Registered Trademark
The function of a registered trade mark is to give an indication to the purchaser or a possible purchaser:
Requirement for trademark registration
It is an important to collect the below listed information which would be required for filing the Trademark Application form for trademark registration.
Process of Registration
Trademark registration process has been changed a lot after the introduction of new trademark rules 2017 by the government of India. Quick summary of these changes the new rules have distinguished the applicant into three main categories:
1) Individual/sole proprietorship
2) SME/Startup
3) Body corporate
Not only we have three applicant types but fees and requirements for each of the categories has also been changed, now the Government fees for Trademark application i.e TM-A is Rs 4500 in case of Individual/sole proprietorship and SME/Startup and Rs 9000 for Body corporates- be it LLP, Partnership firm , Private limited Company or One person Company.
In case you are a new company and want to file Trademark application on your company’s name, you may now have to shell out Rs 9000 from your pocket apart from the professional fees.
In order to save this money, you may try to get your company register under start-up scheme or MSME Registration. Learn how you can save this money with expert post on Udyog Aadhar.
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