Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) License
FSSAI License is mandatory for any type of food business in India, one has to obtain Food License or FSSAI License well on time from FSSAI Dept before starting a business in food industry. FSSAI license is mandatory for all type of food business like manufacturers, importers, Exporters, Traders, Retailers, Warehouse, Cold storage, E-commerce player, Transporter, hotels, and restaurants or any other type of business directly or indirectly evolved in the food business. A person involved in food business is known as a food business operator. Before starting a food business in India every appropriate operator has to obtain food license before starting their business.
Food license & FSSAI Registration application is required to be filed for the purpose of obtaining food license to the Food Safety & Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has been constituted by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare for the purpose of implementing FSS Act. FSSAI Registration / FSSAI license has been made mandatory in relation to food business activities. The main responsibility of FSSAI department is to make sure that all the food-related laws are being followed by the food business operators. Under this common procedure has been defined for obtaining food license. Food business operator can apply for the FSSAI registration according to their food business type and turnover.
Advantages of FSSAI Registration
FSSAI License & Food License works for the set standards for food quality. It is an initiative taken by the government to ensure good quality food for customers to avoid the problems related to adulteration & inferior qualities served.
Who is required to have FSSAI License?
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